After 13 months, 133 code commit, changing back-end providers a few times, moving from 2G to 4G LTE, countless refactors, asking friends, testing, re-testing, and beta testing...
Van Tracker is a GO!

Protect your investment for fun and profit
Security isn't sexy. Insurance isn't fun. But hopefully getting text messages from your van will put a smile on your face, knowing it's being looked after (it's also just kind of absurd). Of course I'm talking about text responses to your commands. When your van texts you out of nowhere and tells you someone is trying to steal her, that might be a little stressful! But it's a lot better to see

than to walk out to where you're "pretty sure you parked your van last night" and see nothing. I'm familiar with this feeling, and it's no fun.
How to get Van Tracker
As is explained on the specific product pages, Van Tracker is built on demand (an idea stolen from Bostig). That means I'll take orders for about a month, order all the parts from my vendors (it's a LOT of parts), build the units, and ship them out. I have no idea if I'll sell 10 units or 100, so this is the only way I can really do this. If there turns out to be a steady stream of customers, I'll start building and stocking units so they're ready to go. I hope that people are more than pleased with what they get, and that Van Tracker is adopted by the community as a fun and useful upgrade to their vans.
Go ahead and order a unit for your van or ask any questions you have. I'll stop taking orders for the first round of units around January 31st, 2021, so don't wait until the last minute!